
Are you wanting a more striking and confident smile? Give teeth whitening a go

We have two options to choose from at Newport medical dental: In chair bleaching with our experienced dentist or at-home bleaching to suit your needs and schedule.

In Chair bleaching takes one hour in the dental chair. This process can take more than 1 appointment depending on what shade of colour the patient is wishing to progress to.

Now, thanks to the latest technology, Teeth whitening can be done using our own laser machine.

With the use of Er:Yag, whitening treatments have become more comfortable for the patients and has the same or better whitening efficiency.

Swift results: With Laser-Assisted Teeth Whitening, you can have a brilliant smile up to 10 times faster than traditional methods. In just one single treatment, you can enjoy permanent and natural-looking results.

Satisfaction: Patients who have undergone Laser-Assisted Teeth Whitening report high levels of satisfaction and a substantial increase in confidence.

Safety: Our laser technology makes sure that there's no unnecessary thermal burden on your teeth during the whitening process, making it a safer option for your dental health.

Why choose the laser?

Er: YAG wavelength's absorption characteristics to provide faster, safer, whiter teeth.

Thanks to its reduced thermal impact on teeth, laser whitening ensures a comfortable experience for patients.

At home bleaching

– Impressions are taken of the patient.

– clear retainers similar to  thin mouth-guards are then made to fit perfectly to the teeth.

– They are then issued to the patient along with whitening gel and instructions.