Laser in Dentistry


Laser Assisted Root Canal Treatment

SSP and SWEEPS is a method for cleaning and disinfecting the root canal system, the laser creates powerful deeply penetrating shockwaves within the patients tooth whilst irrigating disinfecting solutions into the canals reaching even impossible accessory canals that can’t be reached with the normal root canal methods.

The light walker assisted irrigation system:

 -improves the success of endodontic therapy even with complex root structures

-improves cleaning and decontamination of root canals

-safer, shorter, and fewer treatments and more effective


This is low level laser therapy, which has many uses and benefits such as:

- Improved tissue repair

- Faster resolution of the inflammatory response

- Immediate pain, inflammation and swelling reduction (including TMJ pain!)

- Positive effects on injured nerves

- Improve lymphatic flow to promote healing and reduce interstitial oedema associated with chronic inflammation

- Reduce trigger point activity and increase muscle recovery

Laser Assisted Periodontics

Periodontitis is a severe gum infection that can reduce the bone level around your tooth which can lead to tooth loss and serious health complications. Periodontitis makes your gums appear red and puffy also causing the gums to bleed easily.

If the subgingival calculus isn’t removed it can get into your blood system and can increase your chances of heart disease. The lining of a Perio pocket leads to direct access to vasculature. The bacteria, toxins and inflammatory mediators spread via blood vessels throughout the body. Endothelial damage may also be aggravated by an immune response to the periodontal pathogens.

Fotonas has periodontal treatment that provides a fast, simple and highly effective method of removing the subgingival calculi from periodontal pockets.

The laser gently removes the infected tissue and calculus from the tooth surface

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